Our Core Values

Image Core values encompass foundational beliefs, which then dictate behavior and guide in making decisions. Core values are broad concepts that can be reapplied many times over in various situations to guide your actions. Core Values are fundamental to attracting and retaining volunteers, clients, allies, donors, board members, employees and more - attracting those who represent, promote and speak on behalf of an organization.

Below we list the core values of the Metanoia Center.

  • We believe relief is temporary and should be used appropriately and sparingly to not create dependencies or expectations by the recipient.
  • We provide wholistic approaches where true, lasting metanoia occurs through Biblical re-birth resulting in the restoration of relationship with God, the Creator, leading to restoration of relationship with others, creation, and self.
  • We view life and initiatives through a Biblical Worldview. A Biblical Worldview is a view of the world which seeks to answer life’s biggest questions from the teachings of the Bible.
  • We believe a transformed mind and heart are evidenced through a transformed lifestyle.
  • We focus on betterment and development over relief.
  • We focus on long-term efforts that break the cycles of dependency, poverty, and broken relationships by training, equipping and empowering people to do for themselves.
  • We do not do things for people that they can do for themselves.
  • We believe that people must be active participants in their own betterment and development.
  • We seek to establish strong, dynamic relationships with local government, the local school system, businesses, churches, and residents believing these relationships are essential in assessing community needs and sourcing potential solutions.