We are currently fundraising for the completion of 115 N. Wayne Avenue. This second ministry building will house our large meeting space for the overflow of our classes. In the rear of the building will be a community laundromat. We are excited to see how the Lord is bringing in the funds. The goal is $750,000.00. We currently have $204,000.00. Please consider how you might help us reach our goal.
Our original vision for Phase Three was to create a space for a local community medical clinic. Our efforts have been to locate a local medical partner to assist with this project. Without a medical partner, we believe it would not be possible to create the kind of clinic that would deliver the services needed by the community. Additionally, a medical partner would bring resources such as equipment, supplies, knowledge, and volunteers to help with this project.
As of September 2023, we have been unsuccessful in locating a medical partner for the clinic. Currently, the Lockland City Schools have efforts underway to generate a school-based health clinic, accessible to the community. Rather than proceed and duplicate the work of the school, we have developed an alternative plan for Phase Three. The front of 115 N. Wayne will be redesigned as a large meeting/assembly space. The space would include several offices for ministry partners, as well as office space for the Metanoia Center. We are hoping to add an interior doorway, to connect 113 to 115. This space will have restrooms equipped with showers to be used by ministry teams working with the Center during the summer months. This space will afford us additional seating and classroom space for 50 to 70 students involved in our programs such as English Language Class, tutoring, and MC Club. Each of these classes have seen significant growth and have outgrown space in 113. The "large gathering space" in 115 will meet the current and future needs of the Center's growth.
Our vision for Phase Four continues to be a community laundromat. The laundromat will provide approximately 10 washers and 10 dryers. It will be a fee-based laundromat. The entrance to the laundromat will be on Walnut Street, as the back section of the building has its own address. The current garage door will be replaced with typical retail doors, for the patrons using the laundromat.
Today we are working with our architect, Ken Popham, to develop and design the most efficient use for both spaces. Once we have the design, we will contact our general contractor for an estimate for Phase Three and a separate estimate for Phase Four. Once we have our estimates, we will begin seeking funding through fundraising and grants to complete these projects.
Contact us with your questions or ideas!
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